Thanksgiving Leftovers...
Hmmm, I actually only have 2 links. Slow week.
- Gotta love NPR. Here's a story they did about a dog that got high by sucking toads.
- This is a YouTube video of an angry German. No further explanation is needed.
Didn't they have a Family Guy episode about getting high off of toads? Man, I must be getting old- I thought people were still getting high the old-fashioned way.
Garfield, at 4:28 PM
My god, that German kid video is hilarious!
Wicketywack, at 4:45 PM
I do believe "angst" is an originally German word.
Johnny Shades, at 5:18 PM
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Cara Mengobati Sakit Telinga Secara Alami, at 2:06 AM
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